Let’s Beat Malaria Get best Malaria Treatment at Genmedicare

What is malaria?
Malaria is a dangerous, life-threatening, and sometimes deadly, disease spread by mosquitoes and created by a parasite. Malaria was a notable health risk in the U.S. until it was eliminated by multiple disease-control programs in the late 1940s. The disorder presents with flu-like indications that include high fever and colds.
Malaria causes
Malaria is caused by a mosquito affected with parasites bites you and carries the parasite to you. You can't receive malaria just by being near a person who has the disorder.
Malaria is spread when an infected Anopheles mosquito bites a person. It is the only type of mosquito that can spread malaria. The mosquito becomes infected by biting an infected person and pulling blood that holds the parasite. When that mosquito bites another person, that person becomes infected.

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The mysterious mechanism of action of an ancient natural remedy against malaria used for more than two thousand years in traditional Chinese medicine, the so-called Chang Shan, has been revealed. This potent hydrangea root extract owes its properties to a molecule that kills the malaria parasite by blocking the process by which it produces the proteins essential for its survival. This is demonstrated by the study published in Nature by the Californian Scripps Institute in La Jolla.

Chang Shan is an ancient natural remedy for malarial fevers that is extracted from the roots of Dichroa febrifuga, a species of hydrangea that grows in Tibet and Nepal and which is considered one of the 50 fundamental herbs of Chinese medicine. From one of its bioactive ingredients, known as febrifugin, derives a compound called halofuginone which is capable of 'turning off' some parts of the immune system: for this reason it has long been under the lens of researchers for its potential in fighting tumors and autoimmune diseases. such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and psoriasis.

To discover its molecular mechanism of action, the Californian researchers analyzed its structure in detail, discovering that the molecule has a particular two-headed conformation. Thanks to its two ends, halofuginone is able to block the gears of a key process for the production of proteins, the so-called 'aminoacylation', which allows you to bind together the amino acids that form a protein like many pearls in a necklace. In particular, halofuginone interferes with an enzyme (called tRNA synthetase) which serves to load a specific amino acid on its molecular 'shuttle' (tRNA) which will lead it to join the other amino acids to form the protein. Thanks to its two heads, halofuginone binds to

According to researchers led by Paul Schimmel, Chang Shan is able to counteract malarial fevers precisely because the plant contains traces of a molecule similar to halofuginone that kills the malaria parasite in the blood of infected people by blocking the production of the necessary proteins. to its survival.

Malaria facts
More than 215 million incidents of malaria happened worldwide in 2016.
The World Health Organization (Who) expects that 445,000 people died of malaria in 2016; the large majority are young children in sub-Saharan Africa.
Although this is a notable reduction in deaths since 2000 because of enhanced prevention and control actions, there has been an increase from 2015 to 2016.
Health care professionals diagnose about 1,700 people with malaria in the U.S. each year, usually in tourists returning from endemic areas.

What are the symptoms of malaria?
In the beginning steps, malaria symptoms are sometimes alike to those of many other diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites. It can start with flu-like symptoms.
Malaria Symptoms may include:
·         Fever. This is the most common symptom.
·         Chills
·         Sweats.
·         Fatigue.
·         Nausea and vomiting.
·         Body aches.
·         Headache.
·         Generally feeling sick
People who get affected many times may have the disorder but have few or no signs. How severe malaria symptoms are can differ depending on your age, general health, and the kind of malaria parasite that you have.

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Malaria symptoms

How do physicians diagnose malaria?
Doctors make a specific diagnosis of malaria by looking at the blood of an infected patient under the microscope and recognizing the presence of the parasite. The patients' blood is prepared under a slide with a specific spot to help identify the parasite. It is the most generally performed and accepted test.
If the first blood smear doesn't show malaria, your doctor may order more tests every 12 to 24 hours.
Treatment of malaria
The best Malaria Treatment is medicine. Several things impact the choice of malaria pills. Malaria Treatment include:
·         Whether the medicine is being used to stop or to tackle malaria.
·         Your condition as your age, your health, or whether you are pregnant
·         How sick you are from malaria.
·         Whether the malaria parasite may be contrary to certain medicines.
·         Side effects of the medicine
Your age and health condition are essential parts of choosing medicine to stop or treat malaria. Pregnant women, kids, people who are very old, people who have other health problems, and those who didn't take medicine to stop malaria disease require special attention.
The most commonly used malaria medications are as follows:
·         Malirid DS 15 mg
·         Lumerax 80 mg
·         Lariago DS 500 mg
·         Falcigo Plus


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